Who are we?
Welcome to Western Circle Ltd trading as Cashfloat.co.uk
Our registered office address:
2a Highfield Avenue, London NW11 9ET
We are a company registered in:
England and Wales under company number 7581337.
We are registered:
Information Commissioner’s Office Register: registration number Z3305234
Editorial Integrity
At Cashfloat, we are committed to empowering UK consumers with clear, factual, and useful financial information. Our content is created independently and reflects the expertise of our writers and experts.
Expert Review and Accuracy
Every piece of content undergoes a rigorous review process by our team of experts to ensure accuracy and relevance. We strive to provide content that is not only informative but also actionable, aiding our readers in making better financial decisions.
We believe in transparency and honesty in our content production. Our articles clearly cite their sources. We try our best to differentiate between hard data and personal commentary to help readers understand the basis of the information provided.
Corrections Policy
We value accuracy and promptly address any corrections when errors are identified or reported. Readers can send corrections or concerns to compliance@cashfloat.co.uk.
Warnings and Liability Disclaimer
The information provided on the Cashfloat blog is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, no warranties are made regarding its completeness, accuracy, or reliability. Cashfloat will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.
Our Writers
Our writers at Cashfloat are a diverse group of professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to their writing. Each writer has been carefully selected for their expertise, ensuring they provide valuable insights that are grounded in real-world applications. They are required to uphold the highest standards of integrity, providing well-researched information that our readers can trust.

- Mon – Fri: 9am – 5:30pm
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Last modified: August 12, 2024